Many times, we feel alone, lost in our doubts, fears, and anxieties. Much of this feeling comes from not finding people who understand us and have empathy for our issues.

Finding our 'tribe' is a way to deal with all of this and strengthen ourselves as a society. Seeing each other, someone we can rely on and share our curly happiness and feelings with.


"Getting to know those who understand us and forming a true support family is what strengthens us.
This is our tribe. And yours, what is it?"

"Getting to know those who understand us and forming a true support family is what strengthens us.
This is our tribe. And yours, what is it?"

Finding Our Curly Tribe

The feeling of community is something that strengthens us, isn't it?!?! It's in the most difficult moments that we see how good it is to have people who understand us by our side. It was during a severe hair loss crisis that Laís found what would later become her best friends.

It was during the pandemic that Laís, when she lost a lot of hair after recovering from COVID, sought to learn more about hair care. Until then, this was not a subject that caught her attention. However, the possibility of going bald scared her to the point of seeking information that could help her.

Google here, Bing there, and there was Laís renewing her hopes on websites that talked about hair health.

Once she saw how normal this hair loss was, needing to worry much more about the quality of her diet, stress levels, and other less complex aspects, Laís managed to relax, but she felt a growing interest in learning even more about caring for her curls.

It was a new world for Laís, who had never heard of sulfate-free products, the Stuca ritual, drying techniques, nighttime care, texture, porosity, and so on... and she certainly didn't know that there was a global movement in search of natural curls.

This movement created various communities of wavy, curly, and coiled-haired women, as well as communities of professionals who specialized in caring for curly hair. It was an even more fascinating discovery when she found out that she could be part of these communities.

That's when she joined the Stuca WhatsApp Group, and from there, she received a lot of information, guidance, and was able to connect with other curly-haired women who had gone through the same situations related to curly hair.

Today, Laís meets up with her curly-haired friends from her city, and together they share experiences, talk about their struggles, and have good laughs.

This is Laís's story of overcoming challenges. And yours, what is it? Write to us on WhatsApp at +48 9147-2287

(*) The names and events in this tale are fictional, inspired by real stories shared with the Stuca team and partner professionals.

Get a free online consulting to learn how to care for your curls!

We have a WhatsApp channel where we can provide you with personalized tips for your hair type and needs.

🤨Put an end to the judgmental looks regarding your curly hair!

With the Ritual for Kinky Hair, your hair will NOT become harder, porous, brittle, or full of frizz.

Achieve the hair you deserve with the Stuca Line treatment!

This kit consists of 3 to 4 products designed to create a comprehensive treatment for kinky hair, addressing all your concerns with your curls once and for all.

Inspirational Stories

"Seeking balance has always been my focus. It reflects in my life as a whole.
This was my choice. And you, where do you find your balance?"

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"My success only appeared when I realized it depended on my empowered stance.
This is me! And you, how do you position yourself?"

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"Happiness only came after my self-acceptance! This is my story. What's yours?"

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"I don't want to be accepted halfway. I want to be respected in full.
This is me. And you, how do you want to be seen?"

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"Questioning my routines to find new horizons has given me strength and balance.
This has been my pursuit. What's yours?"

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"Happiness only came after my self-acceptance!
This is my story. What's yours?"

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"Getting to know those who understand us and forming a true support family is what strengthens us.
This is our tribe. And yours, what is it?"

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"We acknowledge the different phases of our lives, respecting and appreciating our differences.
This is us. And you, have you been respecting your phase?"

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"Living the freedom to be myself. Doing whatever I please and enjoying life as it should be lived!
This is my permission. What's yours?"

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