Throughout the development of Stuca products, we looked into how we could connect with the environment and somehow thank nature for all the good it brings us.

Fortunately, in July 2022, we were able to find a team that was as passionate as we were about the care we should have for our planet. It was through the startup TreeBack (accelerated by SEBRAE) that together we could join forces in a beautiful task of reforesting degraded areas of the Amazon Rainforest.

Stuca products, the TreeBack startup, and other partners, dedicate their efforts to the replanting of native trees with economic appeal to the natives of the forest, such as açaí, cupuaçu, and rubber trees.

Whenever you see the Treeback label on a Stuca product, you can be sure that that product is contributing to the reforestation of the world’s lungs: the Amazon Rainforest. Impacting not only the local space, but also the lives of the entire planet.


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